A pink taxi

A pink taxi

October 4, 2011

Second Chances

I went to bikram yoga two days in a row. I do so occasionally. For the extra push. It certainly is an energy intensive activity and I must therefore muster the will and cancel the reluctance.

I still love to hate bikram yoga. I still stand there incredulous in my first position and ask myself: why? My brain will occasionally tell me: no! You don't want to do this!

The extraordinary nature of bikram yoga practice is that you have to execute each position twice. Sometimes one position has to be done on both sides of the body, so it makes it feel like you are performing that single position no less than four times. It takes a lot of determination to accept to do things twice.

Yet, I have discovered, in tonight's practice, which I did in a second consecutive night, that the second time around is truly a second chance. When my heart rate is so rapid that I have difficulty preparing for the camel pose, I remember that I have the second set, my second chance to lift my heart to the sky, in blossom. When I don't go all the way down in standing bow pose, I press myself to do so in the second set.

When I prepare myself for warrior pose, the very challenging triangle, I energize myself in the second set: "you can do better" I murmur. It is then that I come to a realization:

Its all about the second chance and life should be full of them. You should never give up, try one more time. And give others a second chance. My kids would totally agree. Indulgence is encouragement.

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