A pink taxi

A pink taxi

October 25, 2011

Happiness on a ipod

Before I could say Cold ..... I received a pink ipod instead of the CD of the new Cold Play album called Mylo Xyloto (it sounds like a medicine) that I had requested once upon a mall visit.

I looked at the device with bewilderment and wondered how to use it. The only times I had borrowed an ipod was to visit the dentist. The last time I owned any listeners was when my aunt bought me a walkman, which I eventually upgraded to a discman. Music allowed me to trudge through the snowy campus of Smith College.

But when can I take the time to listen to music? I only enjoy music when I am driving. I cannot listen to my ipod when I drive. So I made an effort to find transition times to shut the world down and put my ear set on. On an ipod the sound is perfect and engrossing. I find myself walking to the beat, dancing in the lift, sighing in the parking lot: enjoying this beautiful album for the first time.

However, all gratitude to my friend's gift of an ipod, I had to buy the CD for the car, for my brother and for my BFF. I went over to Virgin before opening, downed a coffee waiting and entered "with a gun" and told the guy with the silly red jacket: "you go find me 4 CDs of Cold Play.....NOW!!!!!" He had said it wasn't out yet. Then he recognized me: "you came and bought the EXAMPLE tickets?"

Someone who cares took me aside and advised: "you seem to be dancing on your own dance floor. You should synch in with the rest of us." I smiled thinking, "how could I? Not when I am in the midst of discovering the new Cold Play album!"

1 comment:

  1. I have kept with technology,adopted the Blackberry,the IPad,but not that magical little IPod.I still prefer to tune to Abu Dhabi classical,or BBC news,but have not been able to digest the Jumeirah Jane FM92 yet.
