A pink taxi

A pink taxi

November 6, 2011

Indian Summer: A vignette

I sit on a bench, beneath a tree of red leaves, in a sunny Geneva park. This is not what I remembered November would be. I thought we would freeze, wearing hats and gloves.

How could I forget the Indian summers? I have lived and enjoyed every fall season for ten years in Massachusetts! The Smith College campus is considered to be a top venue for the extreme expression of New England fall colours. And always, I drove further, up to Vermont, in search of the unbelievable foliage colours.

When I left Geneva in September, the summer temps had begun to lower by small degrees and the end of summer melancholy enveloped me. However, returning here in early November for our Eid, has immersed us in the energy of the Indian summer weather and sunshine. We all know that the Autumn sunshine is an opportunity to seize, that its very comfortable to wear a sweater and walk out. We run out in celebration. My children have discovered the third season of the year.

And the certainty that Dubai's sunshine and blissful winter awaits us.

Happy Eid!


  1. Fall and Spring make living in a city with 4 seasons worth while! When the leaves turn to browns and reds, and the sun still shines bright, I am so happy to be living on the East Coast.
    It is when the cold wind blows through the high rises and that your face gets windburn, and that your nose may fall of your face (yes even my nose), that you wish you lived in a place like Dubai....
    But all in all, I love the 4 seasons. It's witnessing nature at its most glorious, and God's amazing work of art.....

  2. What magnificent pictures of the European Autumn,that is being politically shaken by the European Fall financial crisis,and the ouster of the Greek and Italian PMs who made a mess that might engulf the continent.Our Arab Spring rid us of despots.The European fall is ridding them of incapable politicians falling like dry leaves.
